
21 July 2016

Stop Shoving Down Other People’s Throats Why You Are Voting For Your Choice

2016 Presidential Elections

Who Do You Hate Less?

The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections has come down to a choice between the two most “hated” candidates of all time. (If you want to be a little nice, then it is between two of the most unpopular candidates in recorded history).

Crooked vs Dangerous

Right now, the race is between the Official Democratic candidate Hillary "Crooked" Clinton and the Official Republican candidate Donald "Dangerous" Trump, although both adjectives would also definitely apply to the other candidate.

Many people have said (and for good reason) that this is going to be the ultimate test of choosing between the “lesser evil”.

Is There Any Other Choice?

There are of course other candidates to vote for, but admit it or not, without the political and monetary machinery, no one outside these two have a chance in hell to win.

So if you are looking for advice, do not waste your vote and do not vote for a third candidate -- or else the end result is like you voted for the candidate you dislike more between this two.

I Will Definitely Not Vote For...

At this time, a big majority of the voters have already decided who they will vote for or almost everybody already know who they will NOT vote for.

Yes, I'm Talking To You
I mean these two remaining candidates are exact polar opposite, they are like two sides of a coin and there seems to be no middle ground between them. So it’s either you like (or dislike) one of them.

Ask yourself, do you know anyone who loves both Hillary and Donald?

These two represent two diametrically opposite positions and they have nothing in common.

So having said this, my rant for the day is that having already decided, please and I say please, stop explaining yourself on social media, on the internet, to your next door neighbor, to your gardener, to your pharmacist, to your pastor, mailman, grocery bagger, or to anyone else because it’s just a waste-- nobody on the other side will listen to you.

10 Reasons to Vote For Hillary or 10 Reasons to Vote For Donald

Let's be honest here, even if you have 10 good reasons to vote for Hillary, you cannot turn someone who likes Donald to vote for her instead. And absolutely, even if you have 10 reasons to vote for Trump you cannot turn anybody voting for Clinton to vote for him instead.

And the opposite is also true, you cannot force someone who absolutely hate Hillary to change their mind and vote for her, and you definitely cannot change someone who completely hate Donald to change their mind and vote for him.

By Race, Religion, Ideology, Class, Everything Else
Just Go Out And Vote

The presidential table has been set, and sadly America is completely divided.

All we need to do is to go out and vote on November 8, 2016 and may the lesser evil win!

And NO!

NO, I do not wish to know why you are voting for Hillary or why you are voting for Donald!

AND NO, I do not wish to listen to the reasons why you are not voting for one or the other either.

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