09 November 2016

Donald is President Elect, Accept the Democratic Process

NEWS FLASH: The craziest election campaign is over! And that's good news.

Let me say that again, the elections are over and unfortunately only one person can win and somebody has to lose.

It is time to accept the results, respect the will of the people and move on like we did when President Obama took over the highest office in the land from President Bush eight years ago.

Let us stop the excuses and please let us stop saying that Hillary won the popular vote, that is not the way we select our President and I am talking to you first-time voter and those who really up to now, do not know how the system works. Don't let people know how ignorant you are. And please if you did not vote, you have no right to complain and if you didn't register to vote or worse if are not an American citizen, don't join in the fray.

Now if you cannot get over the fact that she got about 200 thousand votes more than him, people in 49 states are going to tell you to your face that is only because of one state -- California.

It was close and America is so divided, both candidates got around 48%. But Donald won a big majority, 2/3rds of the 50 states and got over the magic 270 electoral votes and thus he is America's 45th President.

Accept the Democratic Process

Let us strive for a peaceful transfer of power, smooth transition and let us all work together and be a better nation.

If you still don't want to do all of these, then feel free to move to another country, funny how those who want to move out are going to Canada and probably somewhere in Europe. Is there anybody going to Mexico or to the hundreds of poorer or more oppressive nations?

Take the High Road

If you feel mad, bad or sad and if you want to protest, burn flags and throw harsh words at Trump or his supporters? Of course, feel free to do so. This is the very reason why we live in America.

But hear this, Hillary used the entire might, power and influence of the Democratic party. They were the one's in power. President Obama and Michelle, even Bernie actively campaigned for her and they left totally nothing to chance. They have the media. They have more money -- believe me they have money and they still have a ton they are set for life, they have more ads, more people on the ground, more callers, more door knockers. She won the three debates, albeit with leaked debate questions. There was no way she shouldn't have won and won by a landslide.

And Donald, he had virtually no path to victory, he said all the wrong things. He did the most unconventional and stupidiest things. He's the most unpresidential candidate we have ever seen. He wasn't a politician. His own party fought him. Almost nobody gave him a fighting chance up to after the polls closed and the returns were slowly coming in. Nobody gave him the benefit of the doubt. And he should have lost and lost big. No way in hell he should have won.

He Won Fairly

But he did. He won fair and square. America has spoken, believe it or not. Donald Trump is our President elect. World leaders have already sent him their congratulations. Accept it and be part of the majority, or feel free to pack your bags and join the likes of Barbara Streisand, Bryan Cranston, Miley Cyrus, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, Cher, Chelsea Handler, Samuel L. Jackson, Whoopi, Neve Campbell, Keegan Michael Key, George Lopez, Ne-Yo, Al Sharpton, Raven Symone, and everybody else who vowed to leave. You are in good company. Bon voyage.

And yes, none of these celebrities really intended to leave, the US is still the best place to speak their mind and pursue their dream.

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