21 December 2016

Hillary Won the Popular Vote

I know, I know your candidate won the popular vote over the President-elect.

Everyone knows it.

Hillary got 2 million more votes than Donald. But going into the elections both of them know that they weren't playing for the popular vote. If they were then both their entire campaign strategies will totally be different.

For over 200 years, the campaign focus has always been winning electoral votes. No, not the popular vote.

Everyone knows that.

But hey look, Hillary, had more money and more people and was the darling of the White House and she is well entrenched with the party in power. In fact, she wielded a lot of power.

She got more people knocking on doors, sending out mailers and calling people, up until election day. She had the most money, had all the ads, all the major networks and the mainstream news media. She had Hollywood and most of the celebrities -- show business and sports. She had the polls and the surveys.

In fact, she did all the right moves, she said all the right things at the right time. She was very presidential. She had Barack, Michelle, Joe, Bernie and everyone else crisscrossing America campaigning for her. She even had the debate questions before the debates. She had everything.

And, Donald? He is probably the least like Presidential candidate in U.S. history. He said all the wrong things, at the wrong time. He tweeted all the wrong things at the wrong time. He still does. He's just not presidential material.

But he won the Republican nomination. He got the magic number (270) on election day. He won the recounts. He won the elector's votes. He is the acknowledged U.S. President of all the leaders of the world. And come Friday, January 20, 2017, he will be sworn in on the steps of the U.S. Capitol at noon as the 45th President of the United States

My rant for today is that enough with this popular vote, Hillary had all the chances in the world. She knew the rules going in. She played the game and she played it really good, exceptional really, but she lost. In fact, she lost three times. She has struck out.

And she knows it.

But if you still can't come to grips with all that, then maybe you need to realize that the DNC could have fielded in any other candidate besides Hillary and he or she could have won over Donald, easily.

The fact is that the worst candidate ever in U.S. recorded history had just beaten your candidate three times. It couldn't go any worse than that. Well, unless you want to prolong the agony, relive the trauma or vow to leave the country. But I'm guessing you'll probably just going to change your mind too because where will you go anyway.

It's really time to cut your losses (cash in your chips) and call it a day. The game is over. The problem is not the voters. The problem is not the electoral college. The problem is Hillary. And besides, how can anyone expect good old Bill to take over the role of Michelle, as first gentleman. That is just going to be a disgrace.

Electoral College Vote Result - December 19, 2016

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