31 December 2016

Trump's New Year Tweet

Trump did it again!

He managed to pick out the scabs of the wounds of November 8, especially of those who worked so vigorously to oppose him the entire year of 2016.

But today on the last day of this infamous year, if you want to heal, please stop picking up every little poisoned bone mainstream and social media throws out there and burying it deep in your limitless memory banks. I mean for a Trump hater, you are just so masochistic. For goodness sakes, stop following the guy around. If you really hate him then he is not worth a single minute of your time.

When you continue to talk and read about him, you are all falling for the traps and the snares of these news sites who stalk him like a paparazzi.

Unfollow those sites, they just churn out clickbait articles which make you die a thousand deaths.

And please, whoever is close enough to Donald, please change his twitter password or take away his tweeting privileges. I mean, really? It's time to move on America. It's already the new year in half of the globe.

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