
17 August 2018

7 Point Playbook for Concealing the Truth Exposed

New Expose, But What's Next?

Although, countless people all over the world already knew about the untalked about abuses happening within the Roman Catholic Church and worse on how methodical their leaders have been protecting the accused perpetuators, nothing really happens, even though new reports of abuses have been coming out too frequently, and in every corner of the globe.

But now, finally, the Roman Catholic "playbook" to protect and shield their own has been exposed.

1,000 Cases of Abuses Spanning 70 Years and 300 Priests (6 of 8 Dioceses of PA)
(Read the latest news -- Grand Jury Report regarding abuses within the Roman Catholic Church)

Culture of Abuse, Lies & Coverup

After centuries of lying to everybody especially to their own flock and paying off, coercing and harassing young innocent victims and their families to stay silent, I am not sure how the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church or their most ardent of supporters can now still continue to lie through their teeth.

Here is the 7 point playbook rules all dioceses employ.

1. Using euphemisms for the sexual assaults. "Never say 'rape'; say 'inappropriate contact' or 'boundary issues.'"

2. Choosing fellow clergy members, not unbiased professionals to "ask inadequate questions and then make credibility determinations about the colleagues with whom they live and work."

3. "For an appearance of integrity, send priests for 'evaluation' at church -run psychiatric treatment centers," as the priest's diagnosis would be mostly based on his own "'self -reports,' regardless of whether the priest had actually engaged in sexual contact with a child."

4. To completely conceal any wrongdoing even if the priest is removed, "don't say why. Tell his parishioners that he is on "sick leave," or suffering from 'nervous exhaustion.' Or say nothing at all."

5. "Even if a priest is raping children, keep providing him housing and living expenses, although he may be using these resources to facilitate more sexual assaults."

6. If a predator's conduct becomes known to the community, don't remove him from the priesthood to ensure that no more children will be victimized. Instead, transfer him to a new location where no one will know he is a child abuser."

7. "Finally and above all, don't tell the police," though sexual abuse of minors is a universally punishable crime, "don't treat it that way; handle it like a personnel matter, 'in house,'".


Yes, seven, the "biblical" number of completion; 7 days of creation, the high priest sprinkling blood on the mercy seat 7 times on the Day of Atonement, 7 branches of the menorah, the 7 churches in the Book of Revelations, along with the 7 spirits, 7 golden lampstands, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 angels, 7 trumpets, 7 crowns, 7 bowls, 7 kings and many more sevens.

Yes and guess what, it is done. It is finished.

The Last Straw (Hopefully)

All the faithful and everyone else should now admit that there has been a widespread culture of sexual and other kinds of abuse within the Roman Catholic Church, including within Catholic schools, convents and seminaries going back 100+ years and worse there has been a systematic and diabolical plan to downgrade and cover up these abuses, and on top of that, continuing to this day, even though this has resulted in countless people losing their faith and leaving the church and the payment of absurd amounts in settlements and hush money, there is still no full acknowledgement, still no remorse and still no accountability for the heinous crimes perpetuated and covered up by those who should have been protecting the flock, instead of devouring them from within.

Starting Over

Enough is enough, all these should be addressed.

First step, the pope should man up, admit their mistakes, their failures and their sins. Make amends, punish all the guilty and hopefully from there, be able to start over.

To the faithful, what else, will it take to open your eyes and finally see what has been going on for generations, and not to continue deflecting, turning a blind eye and offering up all kinds of excuses?

And where is the outrage, where are the protests or where is the appropriate reaction?

Second step, governments all over the world, justice needs to be served, all the guilty parties needs to be exposed, the clergy, the police and the judiciary.

Third step, to church leaders of all denominations, there should be transparency, reparation and lastly you all need to deal with the root causes of this open secret once and for all. So help you God.

Still not moved?
Netflix Documentary: The Keepers

Ignorance is no excuse!

Parishioners everywhere, the ball is on your court now, nothing will change until you all stand up and speak out. Be complicit. Be part of the problem for keeping and staying silent. Or be part of a lasting and final solution. The victims, their loved ones and God Himself are all waiting. 

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