
15 February 2019

The Entitled Generation

It is not funny at all, that most people who were already alive in the 50, the 60s and 70s and still alive today have been expecting to see by now -- flying cars, flying jet packs, fully automated homes, star wars hologram telephone calls and messages, colonies on Mars, colonies under the seas and other technological advances (they all saw on TV and the movies growing up).

Reality vs Expectation
But no, instead of all these and highly evolved intelligence and sophisticated living, everything that was expected to be a reality by now are still on the drawing board or worse will yet to take place any time soon.

Instead, inspite of or because of all the new technologies, all the modern conveniences and all the auto, easy and instant access to everything, are giving rise to idiocracy.

Tide pods, weird dance moves, songs, in my feelings dance challenge, cinnamon and other challenges and the quest for selfies to die for... need we say more?

People Used To Be Able To

People back then can dial the phone numbers of 15-25 people from memory. They can add, subtract, multiply and divide, mentally. They can prepare a week's menu. People can sew, change a light bulb, write cursive and drive a stick shift.

Now what is scary still is that, this movie, aptly titled Idiocracy

(The Stupidest Guy Today Would Be the Smartest Person in the Future)

might actually come true, and not in 500 years but in as little as two to three more generations.

Scary thought, but not improbable. More and more of the next generation have just become too entitled, too spoiled, apathetic, having no drive to work harder, study harder or even better themselves, as everything is just so easy now and expected to be even more so.

So, instead of the Jetson's, today is looking more and more like the Flintstone's. SMH

Jetson's Meet Flintstones

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