
13 July 2019

ICE Raids

Let us be honest here, depending on your personal agenda, we will always have two sides to any story. And they are both true.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Raids

But while ICE operations are nothing new, the "raids" set to begin this Sunday are particularly polarizing, and as we have already talked about, one will take a side depending on their particular agenda.

While frequent travellers as well as those who have travelled at least one time to another sovereign country particularly one which requires a valid visa to enter are used to Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the ports of entry, such as airport or sea ports, it is entirely different when "enforcement" is done for those who are already inside the country.

Of course there is also some noise on the conditions of detention centers, and people are again split depending on which side they listen to or which side they belong to. Again, there are two sides to that coin and what one sees or care to see depends on which side one is looking at. And again whichever side that is will be their "truth".

Raids Begin Sunday

These new round of raids are set to begin in 10 cities, many of which are in cities who have designated themselves as "sanctuaries" in so-called "sanctuary states".

And we have seen and heard the many protest movements these past few days against these raids.


But depending on what anyone believes in, the problem really is all political. And worse, no one really wants to solve it. Each side just wants to rile up their constituents. The reason? We all know why, to stay in power.

People are split with "illegal" immigration but it gets worse when people deny we do not have an issue with hardcore "illegal" criminals.

Most people outside the USA still wants to come to America (including criminals). It's funny that those who were born in the US are the ones who wants out, to where else they still can't decide or carry out.

Now we all know, the US already has home grown criminals, we do not need or could afford more.

The Solution is Easy

The solution to imported criminals lies with the people who lives with them.

All that is needed is for all law abiding residents of the country, documented or not is to work together, wishful thinking of course.

Find the middle ground, one can only wish.

And not go extreme to protect or further their agenda, not going to happen of course.

Fact, everyone in their own neighborhoods knows who the gang members are. They already know who the killers are, the drug smugglers, the sexual predators.

Friends, family, neighbors, they know who. They live with or next door to them.


Stop protecting them and there should be no need for these raids. Of course, the elections are coming up, so we all have to go through with the customary shenanigans and grandstanding from all sides.

P.T. Barnum is correct and more so now than in his time. It's show time once again and people are lining up to watch. Politicians and celebrities will always look for the best show to produce at the proper time. As long as enough people buy tickets, then these shows will go on.

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