
14 January 2020

Climate Change Coin

Greta Thunberg as she spoke at the Climate Action Summit late last year

Teenage Greta was Time Magazine's Person of the Year, last year. Although this rant is not really about her, but on the never-ending debate between how humanity is the cause of climate change or even if climate change is ever a thing has made her either the spokesperson or the whipping person.

With her, it has became either you love her or you hate her. And that is most unfortunate.


Now what this rant is really all about is:

A) the "agenda" behind the people who are pushing for the narrative that humanity is the main cause of climate change and the need to do our part so we could stop the inevitable (irreversible) destruction of our planet -- which of course is a noble purpose in and of itself.


B) the "agenda" of those who do not believe in global warming slash climate change.

Coin Toss

What these people do not realize is that both of them are just opposite sides of the same coin.


One other thing, I want to rant about is that we need to stop all these banter and bashings.

It is not funny nor healthy that people have dedicated their lives bashing those who believe the flip side of this climate change coin, not knowing they are merely being played by the world's ruling 1%.

Not Mutually Exclusive

For one not all those who back climate change are intelligent or are scientists. In fact those who push this agenda by bashing others rarely are intelligent, much less scientists. Otherwise they would not have the time to engage in these bashing games.

Now those who belong to this group are not even aware that a significant number of intelligent people or those with scientific minds belong to the other group. Really, not everyone who deny climate change are uneducated or non-scientific. These are not mutually exclusive (now that is a mathematical slash scientific term, don't worry if you don't understand, but well I guess that could prove this point).

In the same way that not all those who do not back global warming are merely sheep of those powerful puppeteers pushing for that agenda. Really this goes for the flip side as well. So all these bashing is really uncalled for.

Not Black or White

Everyone just needs to take it easy, everyone has a right to believe in what they believe in, moving forward each one just needs to be presented with the flip side's point of view (with no condemnation/bashing).

Everything now has become either black or white, or them or us. But most things rarely are. Most are gray and hazy, and demarcation lines are blurred, not clearly marked or unseen.

Sit Down and Talk - Not Bash & Stereotype

What is funny is that those who do bash people who belong to the other side of the coin, do not even realize that they have not taken the time to sit down and engage in a non-confrontational/non-condemning conversation with someone from the other side nor have they opened their minds to the possibility that the other side might have valid points. Which is always the case in any debate.

Why Not

Now why have we not taken the time to have an intelligent slash human coversation?

Why? Because we have all become sheep of our own puppeteers, our peers and agenda, and to think most of us barely passed our math and science classes or rarely know what those on the other side really believes in.

There is a coin for Climate Change, but no one realizes they are the coin that are being tossed around. When did we become so dull and so hard-hearted?

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