10 January 2020

Mainstream Media's Love Affair with Iran

Iran finally acknowledges what most people have suspected.

Human Error

Iran just announced that their military "unintentionally" shot down that fateful Ukrainian jetliner, which resulted in the death of 176 people on board.

The statement puts the blame on "human error".


And as expected their was no condemnation from mainstream media. And crickets from those who oppose Donald Trump.

Imagine If

Imagine if it was the U.S. military who admitted to this? Not that they will of course, but what if?

Yes, we all know that every news outlet will light it up. And every anti-Trump Hollywood personality and politicians all over the planet will be calling for Trump's head.  

Am I right or am I right?

The unabashed love affair with everything anti-Trump continues...

Sorry For Your Loss

For those who lost their loved ones from the unintentional murder of those onboard that jetliner... so sorry for your loss. But there will be no outpouring of support and sympathy from those news outlets and you know who. And yes what will they have to say to  Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau now? Yes, crickets.

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