24 January 2020

Train to Wuhan

Epidemic Epicenter

For the uninitiated, Wuhan is the largest city in Central China. It is in the Hubei province, with a population of almost 20 million people.

'Train to Busan" is a 2016 Korean movie about a zombie outbreak that was contained in the city of Busan (not in China).

Virus Carriers

Okay, this is no movie. In recent years, almost all the new viruses has come out of China. With 150 million Chinese nationals travelling outside of China every year and about the same number of tourists coming nto China, we have potentially 300 million jet setting virus carriers amongst us in just one year (thousands daily).

Coronavirus Outbreak

Now, since late last year a new respiratory virus has again emerged from deep within mysterious China.

Media and the Chinese goverment will always down play the numbers, including the number of deaths. And yes, it was determined that the virus originated in the mega city of Wuhan.

In several weeks, the virus has quickly spread throughout China and many other countries and health experts suggest that it will spread even further and faster.

Chinese New Year

The Chinese (Lunar) New Year is coming up and the number of tourists in and out of China, will even be larger than normal. Governments all over the world are already setting up plans to curb the spread of the new virus into their territories, including cancelling the celebrations all together. Looks like they know more than they are willing to tell the public.

Exotic Animals

What authorities have suggested is that the virus originated from the selling and consumption of "exotic meat".

A news source from Asia states:

"A price list circulating on China's Internet for a business at the Wuhan market lists a menagerie of animals or animal-based products, including live foxes, crocodiles, wolf puppies, giant salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines, camel meat and other game - 112 items in all."

112, it could be from any one or several of them. But one of the more probable sources given is snakes, civets and the consumption of (not for the faint of heart) bat soup.


Yes, like in the movies the Chinese government has quarantined the mega city of Wuhan.

No one is coming in or out of Wuhan. Imagine a mega city of 20 million on lockdown.

You know it is that bad. But, do we really know how bad?

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