
28 March 2020

Top 10 People To Slap

Let's watch this short clip:

Warning: offensive, sensitive, content

I know, this is extreme and even child abuse and I apologize for those who got offended, and no this is not reality TV. But bear with me there is a point to all this.

And I know, I know, we should all be more like Jesus and turn the other cheek when someone slaps us in the face.

This Is What We Need To Do

But... and this is a big but, don't you think (without naming names) we ought to do this to:

1. All those who cough and have all the symptoms of the corona virus and worse, one who is waiting for their test result or even already tested positive but are still up and about and going around town without a care in the world?

Can't we also line up all those who:

2. Might be infected and don't know it but and are out spreading the virus to unsuspecting people. These are the people who are making this stay at home period longer and making it more difficult to deal with the spread and containment. Double slap for these ones.

3. Also those who bought and continue to buy up all the hand sanirizers, face masks, gloves, alcohol and toilet paper they can find and leave none for the next person.

4. Those who jacked up and continue to mark up their prices for no reason what so ever but to make a quick buck. The same for those who hack into, zoombomb or go house to house, call or do business online to scam people and take advantage of this time.

5. Those who still invade your personal space and those who can't keep their distance, you can actually hear or worse feel their breaths as they stand that close to you.

6. Those who do not wash or sanitize their hands and then go out and handle things in public.

7. Those who think because they are young, even if they get infected, it's no big of a deal. You know, YOLO.

8. Those who believe that not drinking corona beer will keep them from getting the corona virus. Yes, there are legions still out there.

9. Those who still think and feel that all these corona this and corona that is a hoax and all these staying at home is stupid and that this is just the flu and this and that and those who swear not be vaccinated if ever a vaccine comes out. I know, we will have to line up a whole lot of people for this one.

10. And all those who still are putting their personal feelings, convictions, partisan agenda, political gain, religion, skin color and anything else they feel strongly about instead of finding ways to work together, help out and do their share and their responsibilty during this pandemic.

But I guess we can't, but if we watch that video clip again and imagine those are the people in our long list above, maybe then maybe we won't be feeling this bad about being stuck at home right now.

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