29 March 2020

You Are Not Essential

Finally the truth has come out.

Professional athletes and celebrities among others are not essential to humankind's survival and they definitely need to lay low because people now know that they actually aren't important and worse, do not really deserve their multi million paychecks, which they constantly whine about because they aren't paid enough.

Well excuse us who actually work for a living and pay for those ridiculous game and movie ticket prices to watch you guys flop and whine and memorize a script.

And all this goes with all the other people who think how would people survive without them.

Guess what, the world goes on without them.

Among these are those equally obnoxious if not super arrogant TV personalities and singers.

Who would think that people would survive without them.

And who would know that we do not need makeup artists, hair dressers, manicurists, pricey stores, malls and their sales personnel and even waiters and overpriced restaurants.

We do not even need Disneyland and the DMV.

We also do not need schools and churches. But only because we can do all these at home or online. And no, teachers and clergy are essential, just not in the way that they may think they do.

Now who are essential?

Of course, those who we normally overlooked and under appreciated are those who we need most: among these are our delivery drivers, mail and package carriers, grocery stockers, first responders, doctors, nurses, police, fire, paramedics, pharmacists, sanitation workers, custodial and mortuary workers among others.

We need those who manufacture essential items and those who do research and develop medicine.

We need farms and farm workers, those who work with livestock, butchers, fisherman and who would think, even tech support.

If you aren't on this list, don't worry. If you normally aren't recognized and work behind the scenes, then there is a big chance you are needed.

But for sure those who are always in the forefront, in the spotlight and the limelight... those who are always complaining about their million dollar salaries and that they are fed up being stuck inside their multi-million dollar mansions... those are the people who are not, and they too know it now.

Sit down and shut up.

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