
07 April 2020

Doom and Gloom

Many Will Still Die

The covid 19 virus might have originated in China. It could have been contained within one city, one province or even one nation or one region.

It could have been given more importance and the proper protocols at the proper time by world leaders and worldwide organizations that are supposed to prevent any pandemic.

But all of these are water under the bridge now.

Finger pointing, posturing, partisan politics, ulterior motives, rumor mongering, profiteering, not working together, hard headedness and all our favorite pastimes will not do any of us any good and is pushing us closer and closer into repeating the same mistakes people made during the Spanish Flu Pandemic. Granted almost no one is still alive today who survived that plague and how short our memories are, but we have all the information within reach in seconds and we still can't do our homework.

People Are Dying

We cannot and we should not repeat the same mistakes the Romans made during the Great Fire of Rome July of 64 AD.

The people of Rome disliked and didn't trust their leader, long before the fire that devastated their city started.

And they sure didn't listen to him even if he did demonstrate any kind of leadership skill if he ever did, while the fire raged on.

Some blamed their leader for setting the fires himself. Others pointed their fingers at a small group of people, all while the city of Rome burn for one week.

After all is done, the whole city burned down and they all suffered.

We Aren't Built For This

We could all still blame China for not doing it's responsibility to stop the spread of the new disease.

We could all still blame the UN Security Council and the WHO (which we should).

Because the spread of covid 19 (which used to be called and should still be AKA'd the Wuhan virus) could have been avoided back in December of 2019.

But the leadership of China only thought of themselves and not what could have happened to the rest of the world.

But no one is really blaming the CCP. Well not yet anyway. When all this is done, every country will band together and hand them the invoice for the Wuhan virus bill.

We Should Do What Needs To Be Done

To be fair, the Chinese people did try to warn the world many times. No one listened and the CCP censored most if not all of them.

But Asians are built for this and they have and will endure.

We cannot say the same for every other person around the world. But we could, if we follow what the Chinese people did.

What We Need To Do

1. Lockdown our city, province, state, border, whatever the case may be. Military and police should be involved.

2. Stay at home.

3. Those who absolutely need to go out, need to wear a mask and be checked if they have a fever or showing signs of the disease. They cannot leave their city and need to be back home as soon as possible and within the same day.

4. Anybody infected is brought into their local covid 19 hospital and be treated there. No visitors.

5. Medical personnel taking care of covid 19 patients are housed in the same area as the hospital. They work their shift and then stay in their assigned location. They do not go home or out of that facility. They wear full protection, head to toe -- full battle gear. They have it on the full shift. They are trained on how to properly put it on and off and how to dispose of them afterwards. What they take in to their workplace, they leave there and cannot take out after their shift.

6. Public areas are sanitized.

7. Non essential businesses are closed. Did we mention, everyone stay at home?

8. Food and essentials are delivered. No direct contact.

9. Everyone cooperated and followed what they were ordered to do.

10. Ride it out for three to six weeks.

Can We Do It

Will this happen anywhere else?

Of course not!

Then let's just go back to our petty complaints, our partisan politics, our finger pointing, our socializing, partying, going around town and treating this novel virus like it is the normal flu.

Let's just play the violin while the fire rages on.

Yes, it's the Great Fire of Rome and the Pandemic of 1918-1920 all over again. Only worse, because we are all supposed to be smarter, better equipped and more technologically advanced.

But sadly, we are all still the same hard nosed, hard headed, stiff necked people -- doomed to repeat the same stu... mistakes of our ancestors. Well it could be in our DNA.

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