22 April 2020

Trade Off

CoVid 19

I understand all those who are protesting about the government cramping their style and infringing on their inalienable right to do what they want to do.

And sure they are free to do so. To protest, that is.

But if they want to get what they want, then there should be a trade off, for we can't all have it both ways.

Sure, all these oppressed people can leave their homes to do non-essential things.

They can go to the casino, drink in a bar, go clubbing, go bowling, sweat it out at the gym and fitness center, have their nails done, dine in at Starbucks and McDonalds and go watch a movie, a ball game or a concert.

So what's the trade off?

If they all want to go out, then all front-liners and first-responders will be the ones to stay at home.

And after they go do what they wanna do, when they get sick, then they should give up their right for a ventilator and an ICU bed.


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