
28 May 2020

New Meaning


For some time now, people all over the US of A is giving new meaning to the words of Charlton Heston spoken to Yul Bryner in Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 movie, 'The Ten Commandments' -- "Let my people go" (to the beach, to the hair salon, to the casino, to party, to church, to mars).

But what is ironic is that it also gives new meaning to Patrick Henry's empathic, "Give me liberty or give me death!"

Pricisely that. People are clamoring to open everything up or so they claim they will die anyway regardless. Let us die on our own terms. Or let us die doing what we want to do and of course we don't care who we take along for the ride with us. Typical.

Give us the freedom to work, to play and to do what we want... the American way.

“Gentlemen may cry Peace, Peace, but there is no peace. The war is actually begun. The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms. Our brethren are already in the field.... Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Words from a speech by Patrick Henry before the Revolutionary War began.

And we are at war, a war against a small invisible enemy -- a novel virus that people can't seem to agree if it's a hoax no worse than the common cold or one that is and could be deadly to so many.

But because Americans are so opinionated, political, partisan and so Karen-like, having either so much love or so much hate over their elected and non-elected leaders, they are on an election year to boot, there has been so much bs, missteps, conspiracy theories and people making money and pushing their own agenda that this pandemic virus has literally torn the country in half (again).

It has the have-nots fighting the other have-nots. The covidiots versus the everyday idiots. The know-it-alls debating with the know-it-alls from the other side of town.

I mean Rodney King was right to ask us "can we all get along"?

Apparently the answer is and has always been -- no.

Because the land of the free is and unfortunately will forever be home to a bunch of sheltered, spoiled, entitled and (unprintable) groups of people.

We are all on this together!
Whoever thought of that slogan needs a wake up call.

This too shall pass!
More like, pass me a roll of toilet paper from our stash in the basement and I have to go to the bathroom and let it rip.

For whatever reason, the tp hoarders were right on one thing. People are surely going to the restroom three times more now than during non-pandemic times. We hope this too shall pass.

Pandemics come once in a hundred years. Maybe there is a good reason to, if only the pandemic virus would only infect certain individuals though.

Apologies to all who are suffering and those who have lost a loved one during this time. And thank you to our healthcare and essential workforce. You guys are one of our only remaining saving graces.

If you believe in God, pray. If you believe in karma, act like you do. If you believe in chance or everything happens for no specific purpose or reason at all, peace out.

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