
31 May 2020

This and That


On the ongoing goings-on following the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, the mass of people who has had enough and their anger boiling over, are now taking to the streets, and are doing this:

For the most part, their protests have been well-organized and peaceful. And it was bringing more and more people to join in to affect a real change to the arrogant abuse of police power and the non-urgency on the side of the leadership of police enforcement and government agencies.


Now, on the flip side there has been malicious people taking advantage of the situation. There are prominent people advocating for violence, vandalism and property crime. There is sensationalism, race-baiting and igniting the flames of a full-blown race war by media and certain personalities and so in effect we are having this:

The unfortunate thing is that Mom and Pop stores whose owners were hoping to open this weekend now will be hard pressed to do so for the next few weeks, months if not ever because their businesses have been trashed, looted and burned down.

Among those that were victimized were stores owned and operated by similarly struggling immigrants who are also victims of social injustice and prejudice -- ironically the real reason people were taking to the streets in protest.

There are also masses of people who are systematically targeting big stores and government offices.

So now thousands of their employees are out of work and communities will have no where to go to buy goods, gas and groceries.

Some people caught in the middle, at the wrong place on the wrong time were also targeted and assaulted or had their cars vandalized.


People are now torn. The poor targeting the poor. Minorities targeting minorities. The helpless targeting the helpless.

Innocent people in 25 cities nationwide are hurting.

Some will reason that now you know how we feel. That if you are more concerned with all that damage over the fact that people have been dying in the hands of the police then you are not with us. Shut up and step aside.


Yes, people are now stepping aside. Most people are for protesting but not for these criminal acts against innocent victims.

Change will come, but not after this. America is now split over what is happening nationwide.

This is not the way.

Whoever is, if there is, who is orchestrating this organized chaos should be unmasked and charged.

Someone has to step up and make a call to stop encouraging the violence and the crimes. We need elected officials to do this and to make this call now. Stop thinking of offending your voters.

Mayors and Governors, you have greatly failed your constituents with your late and none response.

Hillary, Bernie, Barack, Michelle, and other prominent personalities, you should all be condemning and calling for a stop to the violence right now. You should be walking the streets to join the peaceful rallies.

Stop tearing America apart and be the reason that America will come together and effect real change.

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