
22 June 2020

15 Minutes of Fame

Meet Amber

Okay, I know we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

But everyday, I feel more and more like we are living in a nation of entitled people or where a bunch of people are just so desperate for attention.

15 Minutes of Fame

Here might be is another one of these folks that people call Karen.

Meet Amber, she posted this on her FB page.

So she wrote "Meet Lenen from Starbucks who refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption."

Face Mask

I know there are exemptions and reasonable accommodations, regarding the wearing of face masks all over the State of California.

But we also should be aware that businesses have the right to refuse service.

And we also are aware that during this pandemic time, business can also refuse entry to anyone with no face covering by law and by their corporate guidelines.

So, common sense, courtesy, respect and decency should prevail less we get labeled as Karen.

I Will Not Wear A Mask

The Amber Story Part 2 (Lenin's Side)

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