28 August 2020

Funny And Not Funny At The Same Time

At this time, we may need a little welcome commercial break:

So this is an old 3 something minute Chris Rock public service announcement video by a brother on how a brother can prevent being a victim of police brutality.

It is both funny and it is not.

It supports BLM and it does not.

It is both ironic and it is not.

But it does offer some cold hard valid facts.

And so what were those tips again?

1. Obey the law.
2. Use common sense.
3. Stop immediately.
4. Turn that $#!t off.
5. Be polite.
6. Shut the f&@% off.
7. Get a white friend.
8. Don't ride with a mad woman.
9. See number 1 again.
10. See number 2 and 3.

For some, this is a no brainer. Indeed these makes sense.

The only thing is that only blacks and "gang looking", normally people of color need to follow these guidelines to a T.

We all heard of it, DWB (Driving while black).

But then again, most everyone else know about these unwritten rules and are actually following them already.

Yes, and that is not a knock on any single race but just something to think and talk about.

In a somber note: police brutality is a very serious issue along with racial equality and social justice.

But in this volatile time we live in, let us not jump into the conclusion that all police actions are racially motivated. Granted, there are many instances, but not every single one are.

A few are on the so-called "victims" and some are not even about skin color.

Let us not pour gasoline on the fire. That is not the way to extinguish it.

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