11 January 2021

We Can't Make This Up

Same Old, Same Old

2020 was such a weird year and for sure, no one one thought it was going to be any weirder. But guess what?

It does and I'm pretty sure we can't make this up.

One year ago: (1/11/2020)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she has asked the House Judiciary Committee to "be prepared to bring to the floor a resolution" to initiate President Trump's impeachment trial.

Today: (1/11/2021)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Trump.

Wow, same old, same old.

First, Nancy Pelosi is still the House Speaker and second, a year later, impeachment is still her political agenda.

One year ago: (1/11/2020)

World Health Organization: Chinese media reported the first death from the novel coronavirus. 

Today: (1/11/2021)

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) are due to arrive in China this week for a long-anticipated investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

Wow, what took them too long?

While China couldn't delay the announcement anymore, they only did so one year ago, when they did a press conference presumably to announce the first death of this "unknown" virus.

And yes, even though the WHO already knew of this novel virus back in December or even November of 2019 and people have already died from this unknown and contagious infection back then.

But for the WHO going to China, one year later, after 2M deaths and 90M infected worldwide, to investigate the origins of this new virus is just a little too late. Don't you think?

One year ago: (1/8/2020)

A Ukrainian Boeing 737 crashed in Tehran minutes after taking off.

Today: (1/9/2021)

An Indonesian Boeing 737 crashed into the sea after takeoff.

These are unfortunate and our condolences to the bereaved families. But one year apart, with many similarities, it is just so sad altogether.

So 2020 started and now 2021 is also starting on the same depressing note.

Someone needs to change the tune already. The world needs to sing and dance to a different one.

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