
30 July 2021

Tik Tok Mentality

So many people have done stupid things to post on Tik Tok or Twitter. One can only imagine how "tik tok" one can be, to do so.

Add Israel's Olympic baseball team and many other Olympic athletes to this list of those crazy people using their juvenile "tik tok" mentality.


These Olympians were apparently trying to test how weak were the recyclable cardboard beds provided them by Japan in their rooms in the Tokyo Olympic Village.

In the infamous Tik Tok video, nine of these athletes representing Israel have successfully made one of these beds to give way as all nine athletes simultaneously jumped on the bed.


Whatever lame explanation or excuse they came up with, this type of behavior is just so childish, irresponsible and disrespectful, especially towards a culture and a people who pride themselves with their discipline and hospitality. Yes, what a way to repay the host nation.

Have they never heard of the saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do? In Japan, do as the Japanese do. Geesh. 


And to think that no other Olympic host nation have ever held a moment of silence in honor of, and in respect to and remember the Israelis who were assassinated during the 1972 Munich Olympic games.

Sorry But Not Sorry

The Israeli "tik tok" athletes involved have since tried to explain their side on this matter and have apologized -- a lame attempt to save face.

It would have been better for them to just own up and say, sorry, we weren't thinking right, we did this for the views and the likes and whatever else they were hoping to get out of tik toking. Giving lame excuses are just so tik tocky and tacky. 

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