02 June 2020

One Nation Indivisible

We know the words...

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of Americas and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

But are we really?


Real Justice

No, but every single one of us is looking for justice, and justice for all.

It's not black versus white. It ain't the haves versus the have-nots. It shouldn't be Democrats versus Republicans. It shouldn't be millenials or the boomers. It shouldn't be theists versus atheists. It shouldn't be one faith vis-a-vis another.

No One is Perfect

There are bad people in every agency, social status, color, creed, age group and political affiliation. And we shouldn't be pointing fingers, if we are then let as look in the mirror and point it at the person looking back at us.


Today we are not indivisible.

And as we are in a very important crossroad of American history. We should be very careful what we do next.

Future generations and the entire world will judge us for our actions as well as our intentions.

We are fighting for social justice. We are fighting for racism. We are fighting for police abuse of power.

But the end will not ever justify the means. We are fighting a cause that has had no solution for hundreds of years.

Because one thing is always missing.


We should all come together regardless of color, creed, age and affiliation.

We should strip away our personal agenda and our prejudices.

And more importantly we should not tolerate opportunistic and malicious people stealing the focus of what is happening in our midst.

We should be appalled at people shooting at police officers.

It should not be alright to allow thugs to beat up small store owners who may be trying to defend their means of livelihood and the business which they've worked hard for.

We should be against those who are breaking into establishments, looting and setting them on fire.

We should stop people from destroying mass transit vehicles and public buildings.

One Purpose

We should be Americans of one mind, one spirit and one purpose.

Prominent people should be very vocal against the crimes against innocent people by criminals who are taking advantage of the chaos. They should be leading the peaceful protests and not sitting in their mansions, tweeting they will pay for bail money of rioters.

Peace-loving people should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder protecting their communities from the malicious opportunists slipping through the cracks and being paid by unknown personalities.

Media and politicians should focus on the peaceful rallies and the call for social justice.

They should be very careful not to pull people apart and inflame the hearts and minds of people, pitting one group against another, playing everyone, grandstanding and panning for votes.

This is so much bigger than theirs and our own personal agenda, and November.

We should all do the right thing. Right now.

America Divided

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