30 July 2021

Tik Tok Mentality

So many people have done stupid things to post on Tik Tok or Twitter. One can only imagine how "tik tok" one can be, to do so.

Add Israel's Olympic baseball team and many other Olympic athletes to this list of those crazy people using their juvenile "tik tok" mentality.


These Olympians were apparently trying to test how weak were the recyclable cardboard beds provided them by Japan in their rooms in the Tokyo Olympic Village.

In the infamous Tik Tok video, nine of these athletes representing Israel have successfully made one of these beds to give way as all nine athletes simultaneously jumped on the bed.


Whatever lame explanation or excuse they came up with, this type of behavior is just so childish, irresponsible and disrespectful, especially towards a culture and a people who pride themselves with their discipline and hospitality. Yes, what a way to repay the host nation.

Have they never heard of the saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do? In Japan, do as the Japanese do. Geesh. 


And to think that no other Olympic host nation have ever held a moment of silence in honor of, and in respect to and remember the Israelis who were assassinated during the 1972 Munich Olympic games.

Sorry But Not Sorry

The Israeli "tik tok" athletes involved have since tried to explain their side on this matter and have apologized -- a lame attempt to save face.

It would have been better for them to just own up and say, sorry, we weren't thinking right, we did this for the views and the likes and whatever else they were hoping to get out of tik toking. Giving lame excuses are just so tik tocky and tacky. 

20 May 2021

Craziness of Americans

This is why the rest of the world hates us.

Covid Vaccine is A Real Lottery Now

People who didn't want to take the covid shot for a variety of reasons are now finding one million reasons to. 

And they don't even need to take the second shot, just the first one will do. Because when they do they will be entered in a lottery to win one of five 1 million dollar "take a covid shot and get a chance to be a millionaire jackpot" drawing (at least in Ohio that is).

Wow, I didn't know we need to take this route.

Vaccine in Short Supply Elsewhere

In many countries around the world, people are paying big money, going underground, going to other countries and doing everything they can and they still cannot get a covid shot.

No One Wants One

But here in good old US of A, we need to offer a million dollars just to entice people into taking the shot. Talk about extremes. 

To those people who are shouting they will leave this country because it is so bad. I dare tell them to return to the country of their forefathers right now if they truly believe that it is bad here. 


People in many different countries are suffering and dying right now because of covid and anything related to it. 

People are crossing the borders in record numbers to Europe and into this land and these so called Americans (who aren't Native Americans) are all shouting... I hate America, I will leave America and we need to do this and that). I mean, wake up people. Do you really want to live in the old country right now or ever?

Do Not Want To Take The Vaccine

The long lines that we used to have here during the short time when the shots were being restricted have been long gone, especially when it was opened up to all. I guess people only wanted it when it was hard to get. 

That's just our nature, if it ain't restricted, forget about it.

Give it to Kids

Now it has opened up even to kids. And still no takers.

This is probably where a smart person thought of a brilliant idea, why not appeal to their gambling nature and do a lottery.

Well, I guess it was a good idea, it is working, at least in Ohio where it is being trialed. I mean the vaccines are trials so why not another trial and another while we're at it.

Just be glad you are living in this country and not south of the border (even north for this matter), or some country in Asia, Africa, South America and many parts of Europe.

People are dying. People are still waiting for a chance to get a vaccine and will pay for one.

While here in the US, it is all free and easy to find and still no takers. 

Okay so that million dollar idea seems to be a good idea after all, cha-ching to Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca and all of the others plus all those who benefits from these shots. You know who you are. 

11 January 2021

We Can't Make This Up

Same Old, Same Old

2020 was such a weird year and for sure, no one one thought it was going to be any weirder. But guess what?

It does and I'm pretty sure we can't make this up.

One year ago: (1/11/2020)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she has asked the House Judiciary Committee to "be prepared to bring to the floor a resolution" to initiate President Trump's impeachment trial.

Today: (1/11/2021)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Trump.

Wow, same old, same old.

First, Nancy Pelosi is still the House Speaker and second, a year later, impeachment is still her political agenda.

One year ago: (1/11/2020)

World Health Organization: Chinese media reported the first death from the novel coronavirus. 

Today: (1/11/2021)

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) are due to arrive in China this week for a long-anticipated investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

Wow, what took them too long?

While China couldn't delay the announcement anymore, they only did so one year ago, when they did a press conference presumably to announce the first death of this "unknown" virus.

And yes, even though the WHO already knew of this novel virus back in December or even November of 2019 and people have already died from this unknown and contagious infection back then.

But for the WHO going to China, one year later, after 2M deaths and 90M infected worldwide, to investigate the origins of this new virus is just a little too late. Don't you think?

One year ago: (1/8/2020)

A Ukrainian Boeing 737 crashed in Tehran minutes after taking off.

Today: (1/9/2021)

An Indonesian Boeing 737 crashed into the sea after takeoff.

These are unfortunate and our condolences to the bereaved families. But one year apart, with many similarities, it is just so sad altogether.

So 2020 started and now 2021 is also starting on the same depressing note.

Someone needs to change the tune already. The world needs to sing and dance to a different one.

09 October 2020

Virus Cake


In some parts of the world, virus looking desserts are going viral, yes in this age of a pandemic.

Normally, I wouldn't have any issue with a sugar fix as I, like most, have a sweet tooth.

But people going absolutely gaga over desserts looking like the Covid-19 virus and one particularly called the "virus cake" during this time takes the cake.

Bad Taste?

A lot of people going crazy tweeting, ogling, buying and eating it too is like a slap in the face of the families and loved ones of over 1 million people who have died because of the virus and over 37 million who suffered through it or are still battling it, not knowing if they are going to make it out alive or not.

To each his own though, or I guess some just have a morbid sense of humor, would do anything to make a quick buck or just trying to make light of a very difficult time.

But here, try showing this picture or serving this to the spouse or the children who just buried their husband, wife or parent who died of the virus. Or those whose loved ones are still in the ICU...

Virus Cake - chocolate-covered dessert with pistachio-and-raspberry filling is about the size of a tennis ball, with virus “spikes” composed of white chocolate and dried raspberries.

28 August 2020

Funny And Not Funny At The Same Time

At this time, we may need a little welcome commercial break:

So this is an old 3 something minute Chris Rock public service announcement video by a brother on how a brother can prevent being a victim of police brutality.

It is both funny and it is not.

It supports BLM and it does not.

It is both ironic and it is not.

But it does offer some cold hard valid facts.

And so what were those tips again?

1. Obey the law.
2. Use common sense.
3. Stop immediately.
4. Turn that $#!t off.
5. Be polite.
6. Shut the f&@% off.
7. Get a white friend.
8. Don't ride with a mad woman.
9. See number 1 again.
10. See number 2 and 3.

For some, this is a no brainer. Indeed these makes sense.

The only thing is that only blacks and "gang looking", normally people of color need to follow these guidelines to a T.

We all heard of it, DWB (Driving while black).

But then again, most everyone else know about these unwritten rules and are actually following them already.

Yes, and that is not a knock on any single race but just something to think and talk about.

In a somber note: police brutality is a very serious issue along with racial equality and social justice.

But in this volatile time we live in, let us not jump into the conclusion that all police actions are racially motivated. Granted, there are many instances, but not every single one are.

A few are on the so-called "victims" and some are not even about skin color.

Let us not pour gasoline on the fire. That is not the way to extinguish it.

26 August 2020

Bathroom Identity

Bathroom Debate

We have been dealing with the issue of gender identity for some time now.

It is not that people do not understand. Well of course some don't or won't.

But the whole premise of gender identity is someone not understanding what gender to identify with.

I know that is an over simplification.

And I risk offending some people by saying that.

Although we risk offending people with just about everything now. But I mean no disrespect, I just want an honest, open dialogue. And we do need open, honest and civil discussions.


Also let us not fail to understand that there will be misunderstandings and push backs, and counter push backs.

Today it is a free-for-all, when one side pushes back, the other pushes back harder. It has become a vicious cycle.

And this all zeroes in on what public bathroom to use. Well at least that is the main point of contention.

What Bathroom To Use

So the issue is can people born with male reproductive organs, identifying as females use female public bathrooms, and the reverse, can people born with female organs identifying as males use male public bathrooms.

In the old days, gays use male public toilets and lesbians use female public toilets.

But today, everything is grayed up. Or transed up, like we all live in Transylvania.


Although, I still think that gays would rather use male bathrooms and lesbians will use female restrooms because it is just more practical as the gender assigned restrooms are designed for the things they have to relieve themselves of the discomfort -- hence they are called rest rooms or even comfort rooms in some parts of the world. And if gays and lesbians were given a choice, they still would probably stick with the old norm.

Today, it is all muddled up and particularly because people can identify with one gender today, another tomorrow and even both or either the following day.

So what do we do?

I suggest no more labeled public multiple-people-use restrooms.

We should just have all inclusive single-person at-a-time-use options instead.

And yes, just wash your hands.

03 July 2020

Karen and Ken

All these Karens and even a few Kens (or Kevins) who are being the lead in so many viral videos because of their public outbursts of not having to wear a mask while inside stores are just getting to be old and so 2020. Yes we can safely say that we are officially done with 2020.


But my apologies to people who their parents unfortunately named them Karen or Ken but who in anyway do not act like how these now meme names suggest them to be.

I would go on to advise that they pick a nickname, or any other name for people to refer to them. But please also do not choose names such as Becky, Patty, Chad or other similarly memed names.

Not Exclusive

Also Ķens and Karens are not all exclusively White and Middle-aged. These obnoxious people can be anyone of us privileged, entitled, attention seeking, "let me speak to the manager" types or the "take it upon myself to do something about the situation" type of guy -- regardless of color, creed, age, orientation, shape, size or form.

Bless Your Heart

But if you are a Karen or a Ken. Bless your heart. You need it.

Actually, you might not have one and actually only have half a brain. That's one too many things to be missing.

Sorry didn't realize that early enough, that is probably why you need so much attention in the first place. Poor you.

But Point One

First off though, to be absolutely clear to all you openly or even hidden Karens, businesses do have the right to deny or refuse service to any customer for just cause and with certain exceptions of course.

Making a scene, not following posted rules, terrorizing, harassing or making other customers feel threatened or fearful of their safety and being obnoxious, rude and loud, are certainly on the top of that "refusal to do business with" list.

Go out and stay out!

Keep in mind, you entered a private property of your own decision and the owners and managers of this property have rules. If you enter, it is presumed you are agreeing to those terms, if you do not agree then you are free to bring your business else where and you need to leave those who do, in peace.

Second Point

And of course you can ask to speak to a manager in a cordial way and engage in a civilized conversation, just like how normal people would normally do so.

Third And Last Point

Also as we have discussed earlier, there are exceptions, especially those as prescribed by law.

If you are sick or otherwise have a condition that is preventing you from complying with the property's posted rules such as "no mask, no entry". Then you have the right to request for a reasonable accommodation.

Reasonable Accommodation

This includes among other things, having the option to do curb side service. So instead of exerting all that effort and oxygen, you could instead ask they have open air service or if you could stay in your car and have a store employee take care of the shopping for you and take it out to you while waiting outside the store or even have it delivered to your house. Yes, who would have thought?

There are also other ways to do this, you can shop online, call in your order over the phone, fax it, text it, tweet it, have someone else do the shopping for you, call a friend, ask the audience, there are just so many other lifelines that are available to you.

Yes not just wanting to do it your own way, making a scene, getting your 15 minutes of infamy or harassing a store employee who is just trying to make it through a workday by doing the job he is paid to do.

Okay Karen? Ken?

Or yes, of course, you can wear a faceshield.

15 Minutes of Fame