
22 November 2016

Leave it to Karma

Enough is Enough 

Sorry, this is going to be a long rant.

Okay, I just about had it with the endless crying and the bashing, the violence, and the doom and gloom coming from everyone -- both from the Hillary and the Donald camps.

Didn't you guys get the memo? The elections are over folks. It has been over two weeks now.

Unless you are WIFI-deficient and living under a rock, then here's a news flash for you -- Trump has been elected as the next President of the United States of America. You should at least move on past that.

Amy, Chelsea, Lena, Miley, Whoopi, and all the others who vowed to leave when Trump gets elected have all changed their minds and are staying in the best country in the world (by their estimation). If they really wanted to or intended to leave, then they should have been gone by now. They're staying, they didn't mean to say it, get over that.

Now If You Want to Leave, Then Leave

You're living in the best country in the world, if you don't believe that, then you should be the one to leave. Feel free to move to Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Australia, Japan or Singapore. Those are really great options.

Kanye West is still Kanye West, move on, nothing to see there.

Gigi Hadid isn't a comedian nor a host, and she apologized, get over it, she tried.

Mexicans in America still want to live in America, rather than in Mexico. Duh.

African-Americans in America still want to live in America, rather than in Africa. As in really, somebody needed to tell you that.

This goes the same for many Europeans, South Americans, Asians, Australians, Pacific Islanders, and anybody else living in America, they still want to live in America.

But anyone of them and anybody else belonging to another ethnic group who wants to leave, then as I've said, no one's stopping them. No one cares if they do, they are all free to leave. The Native Americans? This is their homeland, we shouldn't mess with them. Incidentally, why aren't we talking about Standing Rock instead of all this crap?


So a group of Californians want to secede from the U.S. of A. That's well and good. We should have no problem with that. It's just that the timing is not right. Let's get the "Big One" over and done first, then we can talk #CalExit. When the "Big One" comes, and he will be loud, and mighty, and come unannounced any day now, and he whips you off your feet, then you would be so thankful that you didn't shoot yourself in the foot first.

Popular Votes

Okay, there are still people crying over the fact that how many millions more voters voted for Hillary than Donald. Okay, how many times will sound-minded people have to explain the electoral voting system to you, watch the video below so you can educate yourself, don't look dumb and be smarter than a fifth grader.

Electing a U.S. President in Plain English

Besides will you be able to respond when people tell you that if we take away California's vote (one state out of 50), Donald would have won over Hillary handily. Besides Hillary won just a third of the 50 states and Donald, yes two-thirds, for those who need a math lesson. If you really want to rant, blame those who didn't actually vote (they make up about 50% of the registered voters, yes half of all total voters) for all we know, you might be included in that statistic, you should be blaming yourself. I know a few public figures who didn't vote. People fought for their rights and they have suffered and died for them to be able to vote. SMH. They should have voted. Did you?


Refugees, asylum seekers, incoming undocumented immigrants, all of them we need to vet, doesn't matter where they come from. There should be no debate with that. Did you know that back in the day (I guess before you were born or able to read) that refugees leaving Vietnam because of the Vietnam war had to settle and go through one or a few "refugee camps" located outside of the United States, before they are even permitted into the United States. They also had to go through a UN program whose purpose was to orderly and safely settle them in countries such as the United States. Where are these controls and safeguards now?


People talking to kids about their parents being deported, should be the first one's to be deported. If their parents are honest, hard-working people then they should be able to safely stay in the cities of refuge they currently live in. But repeat-offenders, third-strikers, killers, kidnappers, rapists, child molesters who are undocumented, who wants them in their neighbor? You? Then adopt them. Otherwise there should be a way to tackle this menace, that's common sense.


Our fight is not with Trump as much as our fight is with some of his rabid supporters who are indeed racists.

But who isn't a little bit racist? If you can honestly tell yourself that you don't have at least a little bit of apprehension or unease with someone you don't know who "looks" and "speaks" differently than you are, or at least made a generalization or chuckled on their expense then congratulations you are a liar. The issue is when this "uneasy feeling" spills over to something radical, then we have a problem as with a few of those nut jobs.


Black lives matter. Indeed. But Blue lives also matter. Not all blacks are bad, the same as not all blue bloods are bad. This impasse has gone on long enough, time to sit down and talk about this like human beings. There are bad apples in each group, when we agree on that then we can work on how to deal with them so as not to contaminate the rest of the good batch. Together we are stronger, right?

And if you think about it, we are all a certain kind of bad anyway, doesn't matter what color we are. Are you Mother Theresa? Mahatma Gandhi? I thought so.

President Obama, Michelle, Malia and Sasha are leaving the White House on January 19, 2017, but they're not going away. Hillary is still Hillary. They all have all the money they need to retire on. You should worry about your own retirement fund.

Trump is Trump, I know, but what can we do. But I agree, will somebody take away his tweeting privileges already.

45 Leaders of the Free World

To date, there has only been 45 people to have been inducted into the most exclusive club in the world -- the Leader of the Free World Club -- 45 people dating back over 200 years.

The outgoing 44th leader has already privately briefed the incoming 45th leader and thus ensuring the peaceful transfer of power as their tradition dictates. Trump has already been inducted into this very exclusive group -- which none of you are a member of. You don't know what they know, and how could you -- quit yapping about things you know nothing about.

Trump has the mandate not just because of the existing laws of the country but also by the backing of the exclusive club he belongs to and it's last remaining members still alive; Barack Obama, George W., Bill (yes, don't tell Hillary), George H.W.and Jimmy Carter.

Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Carter (Pete Souza, Wikimedia Commons)
Rant For the Day

Wayne Dyer, Philosopher, author, speaker once said:

 "How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours."

Common decency, Jesus, Buddha, Adonai and virtually all the major religions espouse the same principle.

So why are we still wishing ill on one another? Why are we sabotaging our own country?

Why are we destroying other people's property, other people's reputation?

Why are we throwing puns, innuendos, direct insults and fighting fire with gasoline? Have we really sunk this low?

I know, I know, it's fun. But remember what Wayne said, and as they say 'Karma is Biatch'. Don't let it come back and hit you in your hind side, when you least expect it.

Leave it to Karma, you'll live longer and look better.

And above all else -- stop the violence, this craziness has no place in our modern society. It's only funny until someone gets hurt or dies. And innocent people are indeed getting killed.

Mainstream media? 

I know, American journalism is dead, but are you really ready for the consequences of all your manipulations?

Are you still able to sleep as you ignite the fuel for instability and violence and the number of dead and injured pile up?

You are now nothing more than domestic terrorists. Don't know why? Google it.

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