
01 December 2016

Take A Chill Pill

For the nth time, Donald Trump is the President-elect of the U.S.A.

He might not be your president because you didn't vote for him or worse, you didn't vote at all but technically and for all intents and purposes, on January 20th, 2017, if you are an American he will be -- President of the United States that is.

All the world leaders around the globe have already accepted him, they have sent their felicitations and they have moved on.

Mainstream Media

For the MSM and all the quasi-news, assuming and opinion-news sites, stop goading and provoking, and instigating people to rile them up and get maximum clicks and click-baiting readers for maximum profit. Have you no journalistic integrity if not a conscience? How can you even sleep at night or feed your family with the paycheck you bring home from the kind of work that you do.

To people who are still reading these so-called news sites whose only purpose is to rile people up, either quit or take a chill-pill. The elections are over, the outcome is not going to change.

Useless Propaganda

All these brouhaha is just going to be useless propaganda, unless if their real purpose is to instigate civil disobedience or outright mayhem, violence and chaos.

To die-hard Trump-haters, everything he does is wrong, and even if he's right they're not going to admit to it.

In the same way, to radical Trump-lovers, he can do no wrong. There is no point to influence them or change their minds. And will I say it again? The elections are over, there is no need to campaign or to win the undecided or those who do not care about Hillary and Donald.

Moving On

The Obamas are on the way out, and they truly deserve their peace and quiet. The Clintons should also be on the way out, and there should be no one to blame but the DNC for backing the most unlikable candidate they can find.

Rant for Today

If they are honest to themselves, they could have selected anybody else and that person would have won easily over the Donald who himself is the least liked candidate in history. If Hillary couldn't beat Donald, and win handily, well she should really be doing a reality check, as she said why is she not up 50 points. In fact she lost and that is really something very hard to live with, they really need to lick their wounds and just fade away quietly. This goes the same for the Bushes -- Jeb wasn't even in the running for the Republican nominee. Time for a change, half of America called for it eight years ago, the other half called for it eight years later. If you want to rant, rant out those who did not vote or those who voted 3rd or 4th party.

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