
06 December 2016

Faithless Electors

Washington state elector Bret Chiafalo
Elector's Turn

I know, I know, November 8 didn't turn out as expected.

No one absolutely thought Hillary would lose, except for the few really die-hard Trump supporters who believe he can do no wrong.

The protests and the reactions in sanctuary cities have simmered down after weeks of boiling. And all the prominent people who publicly announced and vowed to leave the country if Donald wins have changed their minds, they're staying, who wouldn't?

The recount campaign is still out there but isn't particularly working out as planned either. And what a waste of money that exercise is turning out to be. There are so many suffering veterans and homeless women and children out there, they could have used that money. If anything, Hillary and Jill are just getting beat a second time. Russians hacking the voting machines? Many people can say the same thing about Smartmatic doing the hacking. Now it's the electors' turn. December 19. And this could be strike 3.

Finish Him

This is the last push, I hope. All this is just getting too old. The DNC absolutely did everything for Hillary to win, and in her own words and everybody's minds, she should have won and won by 50 points. She had Barack, Michelle, Joe, Bernie and everybody from Gaga, Katy, Madonna and Miley to every major network news and pollster campaigning for her plus she gathered, used and outspent everybody else combined. She even got a few of the debate questions. Plus she had more ads and boots on the ground, going house to house and calling people up, up until election day.

On the other side, Donald did everything wrong, he said all the wrong things. And he was the least-like candidate in American history.

A Day of Reckoning

But guess what? Millions of people all across America even long-time Democrats, who for one reason or another, those who kept quiet about who they were going to vote for and those who absolutely lied so no one will know they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Donald were the real reason that Donald won.

Hillary did get the popular vote, everyone should give her that. But for any sane person and that goes for any hard-line Hillary supporter, it was only because of one state, 1 out of 50 -- California. Take that one state out and Donald would have won big. In fact take out one other state, New York and well it was a total walk in the park. Sad but true, two states, let alone one state doesn't mean the United States of America. No.

One More Chance - Faithless Electors

December 19, let's see. There is just so many things you can do to undo the sad fact that people disliked the Clintons more than they do the President-elect. And that is very hard to do and an even bitter pill to swallow. The DNC could have picked anyone else, anyone else, and that person would have won hands-down over Donald. And Donald could have shut his mouth and close down his twitter account and he could have even gotten a bigger win over Hillary.

My Rant For Today

There is just no one to blame but the DNC and of course those who didn't vote and the news media and pollsters who just turned people off and gave Hillary a false grasp of the real pulse of the millions of fed up Americans and of rural America who expressed their voice using their ballots. Faithless electors it's your turn, surprise us.

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