29 January 2018

Me Two

I am among those who support the #metoo movement. One hundred percent, I understand why countless victims do not speak up and wait years even decades to come out, if they ever do.

Silent Victims

There are just so many victims all over the world who have lived in silence and misery for a long time and there is a real need to expose and educate people who are either ignorant of this fact or sadly blame the victims of sexual abuse or find fault on those who have suffered sexual harassment and worse give all kinds of excuses to those who exploit or abuse others sexually or any other kind. Time will tell us that they were just too many who victims we were too young and too traumatized to say or do anything about it, or as we are seeing right now, they did but no one believed them or they were shamed or forced to keep quiet.

Sad Reality

Of course with everything else, there is always a flip side and this is my rant for today -- the harsh, hidden dark side of this movement and those who hop in on it and those who wish to stop it in its tracks.

One, people in hollywood and other show business industries the world over have long known about the sexual harassment and the sex for favor system or even the sex or sexual favors to get in or get ahead in that industry. And it is not really uncommon as well in many other industries. It is really not hard to figure out that any sexual deviant who is in a position of power or authority can easily harass and assault anyone (of any age and any gender) in their workplace or their organization and get away with it.

Two, people both in and out of show business are fully aware of who the sexual predators are in that industry or even those who are in other industries, such as in politics, government, sports, music, fashion or religion and they know what has been going on all these years. It really is amazing how many oldtimers in these industries are doing their best acting in denial or having amnesia or any prior knowledge of this. If there is an award for that, there will truly be a lot of applause, nominations and awards to give out.

Three, not everyone who shouts #metoo is really a victim or at least innocent. A few are deviants themselves who would lie about such things, or there are a few who are out for a quick buck or for their five minutes of fame.

Lastly, some fully cooperated with the deviant act and either got the favor they were seeking in exchange for doing it or they did not, but both are now looking for something more out of it.

I hate to say it, but so many real victims are still keeping silent and may not be coming out because of all the victim shaming, victim blaming and all these fake victims.

Remember, you people can fool all the people some of the time, and even some of the people all of the time, but you never can fool all the people all of the time.

And please all you people who were privy if not complicit and have kept quiet all these years and now doing your best acting denying any knowledge and culpability, please grow a conscience and for once in your life, do the right thing.


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