15 January 2019

The Best Men Can Be

Boys Will Be Tomorrow's Men

This ad has been getting a lot of likes as well as a lot of hate.

And the reasoning might be a litle different for everyone.

Now, the reality is that, something has changed -- a lot actually. And things are still changing, so there will be more of these kinds of reactions.

People will hold on to their "ideas" of right and wrong as well as to long standing traditions, cultural mores and norms, as well as religious and other beliefs.

But and it is a big but, unless Hollywood and all the woods, Mainstream media, the Academe and the School system, Politicians, big business and religious leaders would admit to their past and current "wrongs", unless they change their ways, unless they bring their own "predators" among them to justice, and unless we all stop turning a blind eye, then all these are fake uproar.

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