03 January 2020

General Qasem Soleimani

War Mongering

Time and time again, news media proves to be the biggest warmonger on the face of the earth. Add politicians and celebrities who join in to throws fuel into the fire for their own personal gain or agenda.

It is not hard to see why -- publicity plus war makes good pieces, good pieces sell and it makes good money.

The Shadow Commander

Who is Major-General Qasem Soleimani?

For one he is not an unknown "innocent" personality nor a known "do-gooder".

Everyone knows he headed the external operations of Quds Force for the Guards.

Quds Force is the international arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps -- a group designated as a foreign terrorist organization. It has ties with armed groups in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories and else where, providing them with training and military advice.

(The New Yorker profiles)

From 1998, he was the commander of its Quds Force, a division primarily responsible for extraterritorial military and clandestine operations.

[Jay Solomon and Siobhan Gorman, (6 April 2012). "Iran's Spymaster Soleimani Counters U.S. Moves in the Mideast", Wall Street Journal.]

Gen. Soleimani:

2004-2011 : Oversees Qods Force efforts to arm and train Iraqi Shiite militias inside Iraq.

2011 : Sanctioned by U.S. Treasury Department for his alleged role in a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington.

2011-2012 : Sanctioned by U.S. Treasury for alleged role in arming Syrian President Bashar alAssad's security forces in their crackdown on political opponents.

(Source: WSJ research)


"I see [Gen. Soleimani] as sort of the evil genius behind all of the activities that Qods Force has done, all the expansion of Iranian influence,"

(Richard Clarke, counterterrorism czar for Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush)

Gen. Soleimani has ties with militia groups including Lebanon's Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas.

He is responsible for exporting Iran's Islamic revolution, supporting terrorists, subverting pro-Western governments and waging Iran's foreign wars.

(Former CIA Analyst Kenneth Pollack - taken from a profile for Time's 100 most influential people for 2017).

In 2011 then-President Obama sanctioned him. In fact, then-Secretary of State John Kerry promised that sanctions against Soleimani would last forever.


Gen. Soleimani was responsible for countless American, Syrian and Iranian lives.

Amnesty International has said that 300+ people were killed by Iran's security forces during the unrest across Iran after the government announced steep hikes in gas prices.


Now all of sudden media and certain personalities have conveniently forgotten all these, as if he was a saint, the Dalai Lama or the pope.

Yes, publicity, agenda and worse, pushing for WW III. If it happens, we know who were pushing for it.

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