
30 April 2020

Funny But Not Really


Aliens probably have this uploaded in their ispace somewhere... The inhabitants of this planet they call earth are quite funny, when it's hot they like it cool, but when the weather is cold they want it hot. When it rains, they want it to stop. But when it's not raining, they wish it would. They want one thing, but when they do get what they want, they want the old thing back or they want something else.

Yes people want it both ways, but we know we cannot always have both. And people want it all just not what they currently have. The minute they get what they want, they think nah, this a'int it. I want something else.

And these pandemic times, are bringing up all these craziness even more. So below are where we are at right now with all these funny stuff. Go ahead, smile or get annoyed, but it's all generally true.

People Are Funny

People are funny in that some of those who were complaining that they needed time off from work are now complaining that they did get their days off or that everyday is now a day off.

People are funny in that some of those who were complaining that it was a hassle preparing and bringing their kids to school and loved those mornings when they don't need to are now complaining because they are sick of their kids @ home. Now they want to thank their kid's teachers when they actually didn't give a sh#t about them before all this.

This goes the same for people who they used to not care about, like the mail carrier, the trash collector, custodians, even online or phone support staff, now they all look forward to seeing these people do their work and seeing them are now the highlight of their week or their day.

Now This is Funny

People are funny in that some of those who were complaining that they should be allowed to go back to work actually used to make up excuses not to come to work, hated coming to work and most days wished they didn't have to.

People are funny in that some of those who are complaining that they shouldn't be working during this lockdown would actually be among those who will be complaining when their work are deemed non-essential and they needed to be laid off, furloughed or be on indefinite leave.

People are funny in that some of those who are complaining that they wanna get back to work didn't do shit in their jobsite -- the same as they are now doing @ home.

People are funny in that some of those who were complaining that stay-at-home parents don't do nothing, are now finding out there is a lot more to this nothing than it appeared to be and now they want none of it.

People are funny in that they are upset that their leaders didn't do anything to prevent the spread of this virus but are equally upset when they are doing something.

People are funny in that some of those who were complaining that they want to go to the beach and the mayor or the governor shouldn't be allowed to prevent them from going, but they have actually only been to the beach once or twice last year and complained half the time when they were there.

Truth Hurts

People are funny in that they cannot be happy unless they are complaining about something or about someone when in fact people around them should be complaining about them.

Some people are just nice and let them be. Well unless they have be with them 24/7 inside a small house during these pandemic times. Rich people can get away with it as they can hide away far away from other people inside their mansions and they have home gyms, libraries, hobby rooms, swimming pools, game rooms, home theaters and even panic rooms.

Funny how an unseen virus can be the cause of how people now know that they are a lot more of these selfish, stu... okay stubborn and foolish people out there than they preciously thought.

You see them protesting in the streets yelling about social distancing and claiming that this virus is no worse than the flu but they are all wearing gloves and N95s.

Or they are commenting like Braveheart online but are all using fake accounts or using photos of their cars or cats or something else to do so.

Okay maybe at least they are not as idiotic as that guy who recorded himself egging a street vendor and then posted the video online using his real account.

Now, the only saving grace is that there might still be some hope left, as the Tiger King only lasted two weeks as the number one show in Netflix. Although two weeks, c'mon people of planet earth?

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