14 May 2020

I Will Not Wear A Mask

We Have Rights

People nowadays are yelling that they have rights and that they should be allowed to do what they want to do or that they shouldn"t be forced to wear masks; bars, casinos and salons should open and so on and so forth.

You know, First World problems by those who were born there and who have no idea or have really not experienced first hand how over half of the real world lives and don't care to know anyway.

Little Story

So here's a story for you all.

If you can read please take a few minutes of your precious time to do so and then ask yourselves the questions at the end.

Deal? It's not like you have something else better to do anyway.

It could change your mind, or the way you view things, or it might not, which might very well be the case but let's try it anyway and let's waste three minutes of your busy day. Well, longer if you read slow.

Eating Out

Let's go back to the good old days (a handful of weeks ago) when we could still go out and eat in instead of just buying food to take out and bring home.

So a mom and a dad brought their three year old kid to a restaurant to eat dinner.

While waiting for their order, the child who was given fun stuff like crayons and other nice things to keep him busy during the wait, started to be loud after a couple of minutes asking:

"Where's the food already?"

And saying things like:

"I"m hungry.", "This sucks.", "I'm bored.", "I hate this place." blah, blah, blah.

The parents shush him a little, but do nothing.

The kid starts to be more impatient and started breaking up crayons, spilling water, tearing up paper and started to throw stuff around -- creating slip and fall hazards and narrowly hitting people.

Other paying patrons just wanted to enjoy a nice quiet dinner out are now all inconvenienced and a little bit worried.

So what should the parents do?

What does the restaurant management need to do?

And what are the other diners supposed to do?


But before you answer. Remember the parents have the right to come to that restaurant and to order food.

They have the right to bring their kid, however spoiled or rotten he may be (and yes the kid could be of any gender).

They have every right, just like the other paying customers.

Now who has more rights? Or does it work like that?

Does one's rights trump another's or all others'?


Okay, so I know for some of you it could be a little hard to understand technical or even legal jargon.

But just know that even though everyone has human and certain constitutional and inalienable rights, certain rights we do have can be challenged. And one can forfeit those rights through one's actions, such as by violating someone else's rights. In other words, they can be modified, repealed, and restrained by the authorities that govern our city, our state or our nation. Yes even if you didn't vote for them. So next time, vote or vote new people in.

Now if you still don't get it, then sit back down and let the adults do the talking. Or go home and eat there. No one will tell you to stop throwing crayons around and yell at your momma if she's taking too long or if you don't like her cooking.


FYI, the restaurant can (and should) kick that family out of their place of business. That is also their right to do so.


Yes, it is hard if you only know one language.


Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Lessons From 1918 Pandemic

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