02 April 2020

Covidiots... Really?

CoVid 19

So are you among those who are still wandering and wondering why should they stay home?

Are you still not sure why you shouldn't be out partying?

Are you at a lost how or why or what is social distancing and everything else we need to do to combat a tiny invisible enemy which you still believe is no deadlier than the common flu?

Then you are a certified CoVidiot.

Yes, that is what you are called if you are. We hope that you do not get infected with covid 19 and worse give it to others. And yes, please hoarding is also something you shouldn't be doing. Going out and shopping only for essentials, shopping less frequently and quickly, unnecessarily touching anything and not touching your face or your cellphone with contaminated hands and fingers are the way to go.


Now if only everyone stayed home for three to four weeks. Then all this should be over in five to seven weeks, eight max.

But of course, this will not happen!

Because there will always be covidiots everywhere who would spoil it for everybody else.

Why Do We Need To Stay Home

If you still do not understand the importance of flattening the curve or slowing down the spread. Then it's time to join the human race -- please do a little research, a quick search and stop being a certified idi@t.

In Simple Terms

Yes, simply put, one that should be easy enough for anyone to understand is that we are doing social distancing, to slow down the spread of the virus.

We wash our hands, we wipe down commonly used items, we avoid touching our hands and common sense tips so that we do not catch the virus. It is invisible

We also stay at home, and not out and about so that the viruses that are being spread outside your homes will have no warm body to jump into and infect. When these tiny invisible viruses have no one to get into then they will die natural deaths.

Those who are already sick, with or without symptoms can ride it out inside their home and so as not infect anyone else outside their home but also doing all the guidelines not to infect others who may be living with or near them.

Those who are really worse hit should be tested and treated in hospitals when they need to.

We are doing all these to buy time. Because during normal times, we already have hospitals in full capacity with those sick or injured of other normal things.

If we do not slow down the spread of this new virus, then our hospitals will soon be overrun, our health and safety professionals will be overwhelmed, more people will be infected, more people will die, and we might be in the same scenario as the oandemic of 1920.


Not just because there is still no vaccine. There is still no treatment. We do not have enough medical supplies. Bit because ee have not learned and are still doing the same mistakes as our hatd headed ancestors did.

All of us in this day and age need to work together within these parameters, if not, then we'll find out soon enough.

Still have questions?

Here are quick searches for you:

Flattening the curve

Slowing down the curve




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