02 April 2020

News Reporters... Really?

Photo Credit: ajr.org

News reporters how stu...  stubborn can you guys be?

Many of you keep on asking the same questions.

Some of you are rehashing the same old tired narratives.

You guys keep on pushing the ssme agenda.

You guys keep on making the situation we are all in, from bad to worse.

And please, please and please you are paid professionals.

You aren't professional athletes or professional actors and even some professional singers and TV personalities or social media influencers. They are a different breed, they can act as stu... stubborn as they are, they aren't important.

We already know that their jobs aren't essential to the survival of humankind. And this is why they are all inside their multi-million dollar homes making funny videos and all trying to remain relevant right now. You guys on the other hand are still working.

Essential Workers

Now you guys are real pros, you guys are journalists!

You have a very essential and important duty and obligation to do and uphold.

You are not actors!

And please, put aside your personal biases, agenda and other ulterior motives!

Do not suppress important information if it does not fit your narrative. Do not keep on talking about the same fake information that has already been proven as such. Do not be sales people of some thing you or your publication is selling.

Do your job. Do your real jobs! And do it right. (You guys aren't propagandists or advertising and marketing professionals or script writers).

Say Again

Once and for all, how many times will you guys have to ask about the same thing -- masks?

We all know already -- N95 and medical masks are for front liners, common people should wear a bandana, a scarf or something else.

How many times will you ask about test kits and PPEs? Every country is having a problem with testing and PPEs.

And how many times will you beat a dead horse?

Move on!

It's Time -- We Will All Be Judged

We expect more from you guys than we do the people we vote in to office. When all this is done, and hopefully sooner than scientists predict, people all over the planet know who they should vote back into public office and who to trash.

Stop fear mongering.

Stop sensationalism.

Stop partisan politics.

Stop everything you are doing that will not be for the betterment of the current national and world situation.

If you continue on your ways, people of future generations will be judging you whether you could and should have done better.

Real Journalism

Man, for once in your life, be real journalists and earn your paycheck. Millions of people are not receiving one right now.

Millions are looking for some encouragement and something that will help them from giving up. Millions are barely hanging on. Millions are depressed and alone inside their homes scared and suffering either mental or physical anguish or both.

Millions do not have any money to pay rent. Millions are getting infected. Millions are grieving. Tens of thousands are dying every single day.

What could be more important than you doing your part and your job (your real job) at such a time as this? If you can't, then stay home to stop making things worse, and sacrifice like the rest of us.

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