14 April 2020


Nothing We Can Do

First things first, let us all admit all of us are partisan.

Second of all, the Union is split in half. One half hates 45. The other half voted for him.

Majority of Americans have made up their minds and cannot be swayed from what they believe in. Yes believe it or not.

Personal Agenda

And in case you are not aware yet, many Americans will put their hate or love of Trump over the welfare of the Union and anything else for that matter.

What does this mean?

It means, nothing anyone can do will make those who hate Trump to get on board his train.

And in the same way, nothing anyone can do to make those who love Trump to see his faults. And we know He is no saint and has his fair share of those.

Do you get what I'm saying?

Now if you do, then can we all go ahead and quit our whining and stop our juvenile pettiness?

Can we agree that.. THIS IS NOT THE TIME to put our politics, our beliefs, our creed, the color of our skin and everything else over what needs to be done?

Everyone is to Blame

Trump needs to be blamed.

Members of Congress need to be blamed.

Governors need to be blamed.

Mayors need to be blamed.

Everyone working for the government but are not working together needs to be blamed.

Cruise ships and airlines who didn't cancel their cruises and flights need to be blamed.

People who skipped town minutes before it was put on lockdown needs to be blamed.

People who got exposed to the virus and didn't quarantine themselves need to be blamed.

People who hoarded toilet paper should be ashamed of themselves.

People manipulating the numbers need to be blamed.

Media needs to be blamed.

The CDC needs to be blamed.

The World Health Organization needs to be blamed.

The Communist Party of China needs to be blamed.

Heck you and me need to blamed.

Are we done?


We all need to work together as one.

Whoever coined the slogan, we are all in this together and believe that, will believe anything.

And being an election year is just the cherry on top of all this.

Ground Hog Day

I don't think it will change much but now that we actually know then maybe some of us can start to come together and be part of the solution instead of being part of the real problem.

But of course, I don't see any of that happening any time soon.

This too shall pass, like a bad dream, a bad hangover or a kidney stone take your pick.

This is a nightmare from hell but stuck in Bill Murray's ground hog day that just keeps repeating. Nothing we can do but to wake up to the same shitty day.

The Pandemic of Stupidity

Lessons From 1918 Pandemic

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