09 May 2020

The Real Pandemic of the Times


The virus is not the real pandemic. The real pandemic that has been plaguing our society for some time now is that more and more people are just so, shall we say so self entitled.

This novel virus only unmasked them.

Here are some of the words that will come out of their mouths.

"No one can tell me what not to do", 
"I don't like being told what to do". 
"I will do whatever I want, whenever I want to".
"I have rights".

Self Entitlement

Heck, these are the kinds of thinking why we probably have a pandemic in the first place.

If only the virus is smarter than them and able to single out and infect only these "smart" ones among us.

There is a word for these people: inconsiderate.

Meaning, thinking nothing about others and carelessly causing worry, hurt, inconvenience or worse death to others.

Yes, uncaring, not for others or about anything else except for their own personal agenda. Now that's hitting the issue square on the head.

We can also call them:


or just plain stupid.

This pandemic of stupidity has resulted in more deaths than any previous pandemics combined and has been around for centuries. Darwin should have made a study on this.


To those of you who are rolling your eyes and saying out loud, "whatever". Have yourself checked out, you probably are infected. And yes, like all novel pandemic viruses, there is also still no cure, no treatment and no vaccine for what you have yet.

If your forefathers haven't escaped or weren't forced out of their third world country, you would have been born or be living in a place where you can't go anywhere crying and yelling "you can't tell me what to do". That will be the least of your worries.

Check out the conditions of the country of your origin and ask yourself how could you have been so lucky and so stupid at the same time. Or pack up and move back.

Lessons From the 1918 Pandemic

Now Is Not The Time

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