28 June 2020

The Flip Side of the Amber From San Diego Story

So this Meet Amber Story did not go away like it should have by now.


Instead of the mere 15 minutes of fame she was looking for and which she got, this lady named Amber is going all out, full monty here, as she is now targeting and suing the person who made a gofundme donation page for Lenen (sic).

Didn't Go As Planned

Now, we must remember that Amber was the one who took a photo of Lenin (his real name) and she was the one who posted his photo on her facebook page (without his permission of course).

I guess she did this in the hope of shaming him or getting sympathy or getting something else out of it.

But instead, what happened is that she was the one who was in receiving end of the jokes.

And it was Lenin, the person she was hoping to shame, is the one benefitting from her somewhat dubious plan.

And as it should as he was only being a good employee who was merely doing his job. And being as courteous as he could at it.

Lenin's Side of the Story

To be fair for everyone involved, here is Lenin's side as posted on his facebook page.


All the best kid.

And here is Amber's side, with a link to her facebook page and post.

The Meet Amber Story

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