02 July 2020



Social Media

Just browsing through social media and scanning some of the comments, you would think common sense is priceless and common sensibility is out of style.

Yes, I see you are reading this and you are shaking your head.

Do you agree or not?

Are you one of those on the extreme side who swore they will never wear a mask?

Or are you on that group who believe all this rona thing is just a conspiracy?

Do you talk endlessly about how the common flu is far worse than this novel virus? And a pandemic novel virus at that. Note: pandemic means it is worldwide. And novel viruses go pandemic very rarely, only about once every 100 years. I know you weren't born yet the last time there was a pandemic, none of us were (ok, except for a few more survivors still out there).

Or are you in that select group of people who say that they are not responsible for other people and that they are only responsible for their own health?

I get it, you are healthy, if you get it, you get it, you will not die even if you do, if you spread it to someone who is vulnerable and that person dies then tough luck. YOLO. They should have stayed home.

Nothing We Can Do

I mean, I know nothing we can do anyway. I constantly see people arguing their side on social media, it's ridiculous. It's like they have to convince everyone why they are acting the way they are acting.

Common sense is not common. It's either you got it or you don't. You can't fake it, unless you keep your mouth shut. And sadly, the ones who keep blabbering are the ones who think they have it.

Common sensibilities? Okay let us call it human sensibilities. Because it is even less common than common sense or the common cold. Or maybe we can take out the word human, as more and more people seem to be inhumane.

Ok, I take it back, they do care, some of these people will take a stand to save a crawling insect, a small fish or a small furry mammal than some old human being, even one who is living with them in their own house.


Plus everything is political anyway. And to make matters worse, it is an election year and the union is split in half (half idiots and half covidiots).

Most Americans are partisan and it will not move them otherwise if you tell them anything that is contrary to their partisan leaning.

They Made Up Their Minds

They have already made up their minds and cannot be swayed from what they believe in. Yes believe that, it will help keep your sanity.

And the funny thing about it is that either party they admire is led by people who lack common sense and common sensibilities anyway.

Both are only concerned with their own hidden agenda and their ulterior motives, and how to stay in power or how to take over. It has always been like that.  DUH.

So What Do We Need To Do?

Nothing we can do really.

We just need to ride it out like the last pandemic back in 1918. Everyone is doing exactly the same thing today as what was done back then. People are people.

Darwin is watching, congratulating himself and clapping at the sidelines. Nothing has changed. No, I take that back, it is worse now for there was a time when there were still people who cared for other people.

Note: We are not talking about race, ethnicity, creed, sexual orientation or anything else. These have nothing to do with the subject matter discussed.

Even though it may look like it, Karen and Ken aren't exclusive to one race or protected class.

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