03 July 2020

Karen and Ken

All these Karens and even a few Kens (or Kevins) who are being the lead in so many viral videos because of their public outbursts of not having to wear a mask while inside stores are just getting to be old and so 2020. Yes we can safely say that we are officially done with 2020.


But my apologies to people who their parents unfortunately named them Karen or Ken but who in anyway do not act like how these now meme names suggest them to be.

I would go on to advise that they pick a nickname, or any other name for people to refer to them. But please also do not choose names such as Becky, Patty, Chad or other similarly memed names.

Not Exclusive

Also Ķens and Karens are not all exclusively White and Middle-aged. These obnoxious people can be anyone of us privileged, entitled, attention seeking, "let me speak to the manager" types or the "take it upon myself to do something about the situation" type of guy -- regardless of color, creed, age, orientation, shape, size or form.

Bless Your Heart

But if you are a Karen or a Ken. Bless your heart. You need it.

Actually, you might not have one and actually only have half a brain. That's one too many things to be missing.

Sorry didn't realize that early enough, that is probably why you need so much attention in the first place. Poor you.

But Point One

First off though, to be absolutely clear to all you openly or even hidden Karens, businesses do have the right to deny or refuse service to any customer for just cause and with certain exceptions of course.

Making a scene, not following posted rules, terrorizing, harassing or making other customers feel threatened or fearful of their safety and being obnoxious, rude and loud, are certainly on the top of that "refusal to do business with" list.

Go out and stay out!

Keep in mind, you entered a private property of your own decision and the owners and managers of this property have rules. If you enter, it is presumed you are agreeing to those terms, if you do not agree then you are free to bring your business else where and you need to leave those who do, in peace.

Second Point

And of course you can ask to speak to a manager in a cordial way and engage in a civilized conversation, just like how normal people would normally do so.

Third And Last Point

Also as we have discussed earlier, there are exceptions, especially those as prescribed by law.

If you are sick or otherwise have a condition that is preventing you from complying with the property's posted rules such as "no mask, no entry". Then you have the right to request for a reasonable accommodation.

Reasonable Accommodation

This includes among other things, having the option to do curb side service. So instead of exerting all that effort and oxygen, you could instead ask they have open air service or if you could stay in your car and have a store employee take care of the shopping for you and take it out to you while waiting outside the store or even have it delivered to your house. Yes, who would have thought?

There are also other ways to do this, you can shop online, call in your order over the phone, fax it, text it, tweet it, have someone else do the shopping for you, call a friend, ask the audience, there are just so many other lifelines that are available to you.

Yes not just wanting to do it your own way, making a scene, getting your 15 minutes of infamy or harassing a store employee who is just trying to make it through a workday by doing the job he is paid to do.

Okay Karen? Ken?

Or yes, of course, you can wear a faceshield.

15 Minutes of Fame

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